
Flo Group is a global team of experts in IT, supply chain and logistics solutions. Every day we implement, develop, integrate and connect software to solve any supply chain and logistics challenge.
We keep up to date with relevant new trends and innovations to ensure the best solutions for our customers. We have never failed an implementation.

Leading Oracle Partner

Flo and Oracle have worked closely together since 2007. In that time we have gained unparalleled experience implementing solutions based on Oracle Supply Chain and Logistics Cloud technology.

Our investment in Oracle has led to best practice accelerators that enhance implementations, ongoing processes and system testing for better benefits realisation.

Quality automated testing service from the OTM experts

Improve Accuracy


Full Coverage





Brochures and Flyers from Flo Group are available to download for free as PDF documents. Please select the brochure that you are interested in to download.

Flo Introduction Brochure

Application Managed Services Flyer

evolv Applications

Transportation Orchestration


Thought leadership whitepapers from Flo Group are available to download for free as PDF documents. Please select the whitepaper that you are interested in and fill in your details to download.

WMS-TMS Integration

Read the latest whitepaper: WMS-TMS Integration by Flo-Group on how to leverage the benefits of integrated logistics systems to make better logistical decisions.

OTM Testing Automation

Testing automation increases the speed and accuracy of testing, creating a cost effective process. Read our latest whitepaper on OTM Testing Automation.

OTM First

OTM has been the leading Transportation Management System (TMS) in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for a number of years. Read our latest whitepaper on OTM First.

LDA Concepts

A multi-organisation study led by Flo Group, commissioned by the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL).

FLOATS – Flo Automated Testing Services

Find out about the importance of testing at various stages of a systems lifecycle and why testing is the gatekeeper to a solid, reliable system.

SII-COI – Automation and Robotics in Defence

The Support & Information Innovation – Community of Interest (SII-COI). Exploiting the boundary between Insanity and Genius.

In your language

Our introductory flyer is available in multiple languages as PDF documents. Please select your language to download.









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